Comprehensive education at Deutsche Schule Medellín

La educación integral en el Deutsche Schule Medellín

For Emiliana Upegui, a graduate of Deutsche Schule Medellín in 2024, the CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service) programme was a life lesson: “I learned not to hear, but to listen to others; not to see, but to live other realities; and not to be, but to accompany many people who have marked my life forever.” Emiliana is just one of the many testimonies that demonstrate that CAS, more than a programme, is a life-changing experience that, in her words, “has not only allowed me to see the world, but to get to know myself and to project what kind of person I want to be”.

How is solidarity practiced at Deutsche Schule Medellín?
At DSM, education transcends the classroom and becomes an experience that shapes the being of our students. Through programmes such as CAS and Vivir, we encourage contact with social reality, the development of values and the construction of an empathetic and solidary conscience.
Claudia López, coordinator of the CAS program, emphasizes the importance of experiential learning: “Through the activities, we give students the opportunity to have experiences with vulnerable people. This allows them to understand the needs of the environment, be more empathetic and develop a social commitment. For her, it is not only about giving, but also about understanding and acting: “We don't have to think about distant territories to do social work, there is a lot to do nearby.
This programme allows students to get out of their “bubble,” as many of them describe it. “Some of them tell us, 'I didn't imagine this was like this.' They realize that there is a different world than the one they were always told,” says Claudia. The impact generated is significant, to the point that some have decided to go beyond the program and have created their own social support initiatives. “CAS has been the ability to put myself in other people's shoes and to be aware of their situations and experiences,” says Emiliana.

Formation of the being at the Deutsche Schule Medellín
The Vivir programme involves families in the education of their children from an early age. Paula Álvarez, Deputy Head in succession, explains that “it is the most important link for parents in their children's school environment, to leave a mark on them in terms of values, self-care, thinking about themselves and others”. Through monthly meetings, parents design and implement play activities that reinforce respect, self-image and coexistence. “The fact that their parents talk to their classmates, that they are an example not only for them, but also for their peers, is something that marks them”.
The values worked on in Vivir are not isolated, but are reinforced throughout the students' education, finding their continuity in programmes such as CAS. “When you recognize the other person and ask yourself. What can I contribute to their life? This leaves a sustainable mark that lasts overtime”, says Paula. This training, according to her, should be part of everyday life, not just a curricular unit. “When there is permanence, they become habits, and habits are what make life have a line”.

At DSM, education is a process of personal transformation. “During the years I was at the school, I understood that I am capable of facing things with empathy, that the world is bigger and more complex than what surrounds us”, says Emiliana. The students are confronted with situations that have an impact on those they support, but also transform themselves, allowing them to see the world with a broader, more conscious and, above all, more human outlook: “I understood that when I grow up, I want to be a part of all the people I have met”, concludes Emiliana.

Learn more about our educational approach
If you would like to discover how at Deutsche Schule Medellín we educate students with values, social commitment and a holistic view of life, please visit our admissions page. Click here for more information.