At Deutsche Schule Medellín students follow the International Baccalaureate (GIB) pathway, a globally recognized diploma that opens doors not only academically, but also personally. The GIB, offered by the Geneva-based International Baccalaureate Organisation since 1969, is an invaluable opportunity for those seeking an education that transcends borders. According to Mitja Lüderwaldt, Director of the Oberstufe section and GIB Coordinator at DSM, “a student who obtains the GIB opens many doors, they gain access to universities in countries such as Germany, the United States and Spain”.
Globalisation demands versatile and well-prepared profiles to face challenges in multicultural academic and professional environments. Anke Käding, Head of DSM, emphasizes that “providing the opportunity to compare yourself and compete with young people from other countries, complements the training of our students to be citizens of the world”. This is a key aspect of the programme, which focuses not only on academic knowledge but also, on the development of critical and communicative skills.
Why study at the Deutsche Schule Medellin?
DSM has implemented the IB Diploma model so that all its students, from Kindergarten to Klasse 12, have access to this comprehensive education. It stands out for its multilingual approach in German, Spanish and English. Mr Lüderwaldt points out that, “the GIB not only includes classical subjects, but also, incorporates core subjects such as Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS), and the Extended Essay, which encourages critical thinking, research and global responsibility”.
In addition, the GIB training allows students to develop projects that prepare them for full citizenship in every sense of the word. This approach, combined with academic preparation, ensures that graduates are ready to face the challenges of higher education. In this respect, Ms Käding adds that, “the IB helps you learn time management skills”, which is essential for those who must balance multiple academic demands.
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Academic and personal opportunities
The GIB not only facilitates admission to universities in Colombia, where many institutions already recognize it as an entry requirement, it also provides a competitive advantage at an international level. “Students arrive very well prepared; they know how to structure an essay and apply critical thinking” says GIB Director Oberstufe.
This comprehensive preparation also translates into alliances with universities, allowing easier access to subjects and credits, which helps students' transition to university.
Despite the demanding nature of the programme, both agree that “it's not just a programme for top performers”. The Head emphasizes that, “the demands can be achieved, but constant work is required by the students”.
Also read: English is essential at Deutsche Schule Medellin
Why is the GIB important?
More than an academic degree, the International Baccalaureate at Deutsche Schule Medellín is a transformative experience that prepares students to become global citizens. In addition to acquiring knowledge, students develop the skills necessary to navigate a complex, multicultural world.
DSM is the only school in Medellín to offer the GIB (which is the bilingual variant with German), an outstanding option that aligns with international standards and promotes meaningful learning from the earliest stages. To learn more, click here.